ecommerce trends europe

Western Europe Ecommerce Trends in 2019 Holiday Shopping Patterns, Digital Grocery and the Rise of Amazon and Alibaba. South Korea and Japan both have slightly larger markets. PrestaShop Checkout, une solution de paiement simplifiée inédite ! We think that chatbots are among the most influential e-commerce trends for 2020 and beyond. Un montant à corréler avec le taux de pénétration d’internet qui varie de 99% en Islande à 64% en Ukraine. Sales & Marketing Estimated read time: 3 minutes, 38 seconds. L’Europe de l’Ouest, qui compte l’Allemagne, la Belgique, la France, l’Irlande, le Luxembourg, les Pays-Bas et le Royaume-Uni concentrent 66% du marché. Read best practices, product updates, industry news, and more. Europe’s GDP in 2017 is €17 Trillion and climbing. The tricky thing about Value-Added Tax compliance is that VAT rates will vary among the different countries in the E.U. E-commerce revenue in Europe is expected to grow to 510.5 billion U.S. dollars in 2024. Concernant les transactions, l’enquête révèle une véritable disparité quant aux moyens de paiement utilisés par les Européens. Ecommerce penetration rates are forecast to increase from 15 percent in 2020 to 25 percent in 2025. LONDON--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Technavio has been monitoring the pharma e-commerce market in Europe and it is poised to grow by USD 10.69 bn during 2020-2024, progressing at a … When done correctly, cross-border sales can drive an immediate boost in your business revenue and give your software or digital products exposure to new customers. The Hong Kong business to consumer e-commerce market is worth $3.7 billion, 14 representing one of the smaller e-commerce markets, by value, included in our report series. The same is true throughout North America and Europe. On estime la part du e-PIB à respectivement 4,11% et 3,58%. Remember, just because your business doesn’t have a physical brick and mortar store in the E.U. Three of the six largest ecommerce markets are in Western Europe. Experts predict that the ecommerce market in Europe will be worth over 621 billion euros by the end of 2019, most of which will come from Western Europe. The European Commission’s 2018 decision 1 to remove geo-blocking on ecommerce means anyone in any EU member state has the same access to online goods and services. Commerce has transcended physical and digital channels. With day-to-day life disrupted in 2020, Italian consumers are turning to e-commerce to meet their everyday needs in greater numbers . Developers. We explain which markets on the Continent offer the best opportunities to international merchants, and look at the factors behind the rise of mobile commerce – the main driver of this growth. Compete big. Fraud protection, data security, and regulatory compliance. 1 To help our clients locate, attract and keep their customers, we have tracked and assessed e-commerce developments in 34 mature and emerging markets around the globe. Sell ebooks, content, audio, images, video games, and more. Les ventes en ligne sont souvent le résultat d’un transfert des ventes réalisées en magasins vers les ventes sur Internet. Get inspired by browsing checkouts from FastSpring customers. 2018 was a busy year from Europe and we’re not just talking in terms of ecommerce growth. Along with Angela Merkel of Germany, Emmanuel Macron is often seen as one of the de facto leaders of the bloc. Focus on what you love. L’Europe de l’Ouest, qui compte l’Allemagne, la Belgique, la France, l’Irlande, le Luxembourg, les Pays-Bas et le Royaume-Uni concentrent 66% du marché. Over eight in ten internet users in the United Kingdom (91 %), Denmark (86 %), Germany, the Netherlands and Sweden (84 % each) had bought or ordered goods or services over the internet in the 12 months prior to the survey (Figure 2). In May, the E.U. Amazon dominates as the leading retailer, with few signs of usurpation any time soon. The e-commerce EU VAT is applicable on all online sales and purchases made within the European Union. But by being aware and experimenting with this new technology, your brand can stay ahead of the competition and grow sustainably. The ecommerce sector contributed to 3.78% of total GDP in 2017and is expected to contribute to 4.22% of GP in 2018. Over the last several years, it has shown modest growth, a declining rate of growth, and rising mobile commerce sales. General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) went into effect. The Augmented Reality trends for product visualization will see shift upward in 2019. Western Europe continues to lead the pack. Total online spending in May hit $82.5 billion, up 77% year-over-year. Total projected revenue for 2019 is 104 billion euros. 1 Most Italians are yet to shop online—only 36 percent of the population to date have done so. Powerful third-party integrations featuring our Affiliate Network. FastSpring B.V. Strawinskylaan 3101 Tenant B.V. 1077 ZX Amsterdam, Netherlands | All rights reserved. Luckily, there are ecommerce platforms like FastSpring, who constantly stay on top of tax compliance & international law. C’est dans le nord de l’Europe que le paiement mobile obtient les meilleurs scores, 51% en Lituanie ou 48% en Estonie, alors que les versements en espèces à la livraison sont toujours d’actualité dans les pays de l’Est. One day you’re in, and one day you’re out. The UK is the leading ecommerce market in Europe with $141.93 billion in ecommerce sales, followed by Germany ($81.85 billion) and France ($69.43 billion). The eCommerce market encompasses the sale of physical goods via a digital channel to a private end user (B2C). • Report Deck Charts. La population européenne continue de progresser avec 798,4 millions d’habitants en 2019, ce qui représente un potentiel de plus de 500 millions d’acheteurs. This data predicts that by the end of 2020, global ecommerce sales will reach $4.2 trillion and make up 16% of total retail sales. Report. À titre d’exemple, en Europe de l’Ouest, si le français utilise à 80% sa carte de crédit et privilégie à la fois la livraison à domicile et en point relais, l’Allemand règle plus de 50% de ses achats avec PayPal et opte pour le mode d’acheminement de Deutsche Post DHL. Europe: Revenue in the eCommerce market is projected to reach US$425,182m in 2020. Try our full-service ecommerce En effet, si en France, en Irlande ou au Danemark la carte de crédit représente le principal mode de règlement, à près de 80%, ce n’est pas le cas ailleurs : 22% uniquement aux Pays-Bas, 46% en Belgique et seulement 12% en Allemagne. Southern Europe, Northern Europe, Central Europe and Eastern Europe show a much lower share of European ecommerce with 15, 7, 6, … Commencez à vendre et grandissez rapidement grâce à notre plateforme e-commerce, Trouvez l'agence de confiance pour créer et développer votre entreprise, Marchands e-commerce and ICT usa ge patterns across Europe. Western Europe, which includes Germany, Belgium, France, Ireland, Luxembourg, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom accounts for 66% of the market. 801 Garden St., Santa Barbara, CA 93101 Russian retailer Ozon is the fastest-growing online retailer in Europe. Plus concrètement, le PIB annuel par habitant se situe à plus de 39 000 € en Europe de l’Ouest et jusqu’à 44 000 euros dans les pays du nord de l’Europe. 29% des Espagnols et 34% des Italiens préfèrent voir ou toucher le produit avant de l’acheter et restent fidèles à leurs magasins. • It explores how online merchants must meet customer expectations, and provide a consistent experience that spans channels and borders. Get a free account and see why FastSpring is the ecommerce partner of This growth is somewhat lower than the 14.2 percent increase of the European ecommerce in 2019. Understanding & complying with value-added tax (VAT). And if you’re breaking into the European market, chances are you’re probably going to selling to customers who live in the E.U. 24-54 year-olds purchased most frequently online. After a slight slowdown in 2018, growth in European e-commerce is estimated at 13.6% this year for sales of 621 billion euros. Thinking about taking your business global? Research of this … For ecommerce, China’s dominance means that 62.6% of all digital sales will take place in Asia-Pacific. Vous souhaitez partager votre expérience ? La croissance du marché de l’e-commerce dans chaque pays a largement dépassé la croissance globale des ventes du retail (ventes en ligne et en magasin combinées) au cours des 15 dernières années. Build modern, dynamic, and localized checkout experiences. France is an important European country with one of the world’s largest ecommerce markets. With online shopping now accounting for almost 10% of total retail sales (Source: eMarketer), e-commerce has a significant impact on traditional retailing and this will continue in the following years. International e-commerce success can hinge upon understanding the needs, nuances and growth patterns of individual nations. Ecommerce Moves Beyond the Western World. The French ecommerce market is the third-largest in Europe. Or maybe you already have your sights on the European Market but you’re still “on the border” about fully committing resources? European e-commerce market seeing strong growth . Without further ado, here are our best bets for the ecommerce trends we see cropping up (or continuing to be major players) in 2020. Southern Europe, Northern Europe, Central Europe and Eastern Europe show a much lower share of European ecommerce with 15, 7, 6, and 1 percent respectively. E.U. Experts predict that the ecommerce market in Europe will be worth over 621 billion euros by the end of 2019, most of which will come from Western Europe.. With internet penetration in Western Europe at 92.3%, there is no shortage of consumers who are looking to make purchases online. Ecommerce Europe is the sole voice of the European Digital Commerce sector. Table of Contents. Forecasts suggest that online sales will rise by a further 18.4% in 2015 and 18.7% in 2016. The market is segmented by type of Business (B2B, B2C), Product type, and by Geography. Have the stats above enticed you to begin selling to European Customers? Le pourcentage d’acheteurs en ligne montre pour sa part des inégalités beaucoup plus frappantes, de 88 à 22%. Subscriptions and recurring billing for software and SaaS. The global chatbot market has attained a massive 24.3% Compound Annual Growth Rate. As the Centre for Retail Research has found out , apart from the UK and Germany, market shares are comparatively low in many European … Le e-commerce poursuit sa croissance à deux chiffres en Europe : le chiffre d'affaires en ligne devrait augmenter cette année de 13 % pour atteindre 621 milliards d'euros. General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), 7 Ways to Increase Global Sales for Digital Products today. Executive Summary. Three of the six largest ecommerce markets are in Western Europe. En France, le développement des ventes en ligne devrait avoisiner 17% pour un chiffre d’affaires de plus de 104 milliards d’euros. 2. Le mobile : bientôt 1/3 des achats en ligne. Most of the online turnover is still being generated in Western Europe, which accounts for approximately 70 percent of total European online retail turnover. Chinese shoppers who used Alipay spent €1,273 ... a multi-channel e-commerce fulfillment and inventory management platform aimed at small and medium-sized businesses who can store their products at 130 FedEx warehouses in the U.S. and Canada. Spreadsheet. Augmentez le potentiel de votre boutique, Personnalisez l'apparence de votre boutique, Ajoutez les fonctionnalités adaptées à votre boutique. Research by Ecommerce Europe has revealed the key online shopping trends across the continent. So take advantage of these innovative trends in 2020 to grow your business and give your customers a phenomenal online experience. eCommerce revenue now represents 10.7% of U.S. retail sales. Broadly speaking, the VAT is a consumption-based tax applied to all imported goods and services (both physical & digital) offered to the residence of the E.U. Autre enseignement du rapport, les plus de 65 ans représentent dorénavant le 2e segment des acheteurs en ligne. Increase revenue by 30% or more. Ecommerce sales in Europe grew to 621 billion euros in 2019 and are set to be worth 717 billion euros in 2020. Chatbots will continue to be one of the biggest ecommerce trends going into 2020. As a whole, ecommerce growth in Europe continues to trend upwards at a steady pace. Découvrez notre communauté de partenaires ou rejoignez-les pour améliorez votre notoriété, A propos de nous eCommerce brands need to make informed decisions in order to get the ROI that keeps the brand afloat. Each of the five fastest growers grew online sales more than 70%, far … Guest post by Manish from E2M Solutions By the end of 2019, the total value of e-commerce retail sales is expected to top $3.4 trillion!In the highly competitive e-commerce sector, relevancy needs to be a top priority. European regulations like the General Data Privacy Regulation (GDPR). The second-largest ecommerce market in the world is the U.S with $586.9 billion. The Changing e-commerce Trends In Europe After The Covid-19 Pandemic. Save time and resources. But what many digital businesses quickly realize is that the process of navigating tax complexities and complying with local regulations is easier said than done. Tous droits réservés. Key Takeaways . Russian online-only mass merchant retailer Ozon, ranked No. Marketing Program Manager chez PrestaShop, à la recherche de la prochaine success story e-commerce. Participez au projet open source PrestaShop, Partenaires Bulgaria. The “e” in “eCommerce” is superfluous. Ecommerce trends have an undeniable growing influence on shoppers and retail sales. With e-commerce enjoying growth in Europe, we analyse the primary factors behind this expansion. ReferDiscounts on January 10th, 2018 - 12:53pm . Faites connaissance avec PrestaShop, Nous rencontrer Brands estimate that ecommerce in 2020 will represent nearly half of their sales (compared to a third before COVID-19). We’ve researched the biggest trends in 2020 and gathered them together. Share. L’Europe de l’Ouest affiche un niveau de pénétration de 92,3% dont 89% en France. Si les Européens préfèrent majoritairement être livrés à domicile, les points relais arrivent en tête en Norvège, en Ukraine et sont ex aequo avec le domicile en France. 10 eCommerce Trends for 2020 - Presented by Absolunet. That would mean an increase of 12.7 percent compared to the situation last year. Among the developments worth watching are the use of AI to influence digital shoppers, the gradual progress of social commerce and new approaches to delivery and returns. FastSpring API, Webhooks, and Extensions. T… E.U. 2020: The Acceleration of Ecommerce First and foremost, the study confirms that the pandemic greatly accelerated online commerce growth. Une tendance qui rejoint celle déjà constatée aux États-Unis où les boomers (55-75 ans) pèsent 34% du commerce en ligne.La silver économie, liée au vieillissement de la population européenne, impacte tous les secteurs, loisirs, transport, alimentation, sécurité, santé, domicile, habitat collectif, assurance, assistance téléphonie, internet, sport... Des marchés qui doivent adapter leurs offres et services pour séduire une nouvelle clientèle à fort pouvoir d’achat, soucieuse d’améliorer son quotidien, d’assurer son bien-être et sa santé. In the UK and France, retailers have successfully responded to the consumer switch to online shopping in grocery. In fact, figures for the most up-to-date eCommerce trends show that eCommerce influences as much as 56% of in-store purchases, while eCommerce itself represents almost 10% of U.S. retail sales. Ces écarts représentent de très larges opportunités pour les e-marchands qui sauront développer des interfaces adaptées à chaque pays cible avec l’accès à l’ensemble des moyens de paiement courants en Europe et les services de livraison locaux. Let’s be honest, taxes are a huge headache for many businesses but you can’t afford to ignore them. Reduce fraud, manage taxes, and maintain compliance. Wait just a moment! More countries are getting on board with fintech and digital payments. With the e-commerce sector already doing well before the pandemic, it has got a huge boost after the pandemic hit. Pharma E-commerce Market in Europe Trends Pharma E-commerce Market in Europe Industry Analysis This study identifies availability of multiple payment options as one of the prime reasons driving the pharma E-commerce market in Europe growth during the next few years. That means … 4. • Zenda. Summary: Ecommerce Trends. Europe Cross-border E-commerce market is projected to witness a high growth driven by the high population and increasing penetration of internet and mobile phones, and efficient logistics in the region. by Biljana Denic December 9, 2020. by Biljana Denic December 9, 2020. E-commerce Payments Trends: European Overview European e-commerce insights. Ecommerce in Europe is growing at a rapid rate, and it shows no indication of slowing down any time soon. Zenda . The E-commerce marketing trends keep on changing with every passing year. Terms of Use, FastSpring Acquires SalesRight to Support Next Generation of Software Commerce, E.U. 3. We talked to industry experts and thought leaders to gather consensus on the big things they see buzzing in ecommerce and retail this year. 30 Jan 2020 • 10 min read. Ecommerce in Europe is growing at a rapid rate, and it shows no indication of slowing down any time soon. Population: 7 million 3; Population with bank accounts: 72% 4; Population with mobile phones: 63.2% 5; Internet penetration: 66.8% 6; GDP: US$65.1 billion 3; Ecommerce market size: US$626 million (2019) 7 According to Bulgaria’s National Statistical Institute, 21.7% 8 of people bought something online in 2019. Complete global tax management including support for VAT. Copyright © 2006-2020 Bright Market, LLC dba FastSpring. High internet penetration and consumer’s trust and familiarity with online shopping both played a big role in inflating this figure. Certains Européens préfèrent des solutions comme PayPal ou encore les transferts bancaires. All Roles Sell more. And what’s coming in 2020? Well, by the end of 2019 (according to data from Statista) the global ecommerce market had sales reaching $3.5 trillion and represented 14% of the total share of global retail sales. CFO The e-commerce world is fast becoming a fierce battlefield. As a result of joining forces with EMOTA, Ecommerce Europe now represents, via its 25 national associations, more than 100,000 companies selling goods and services online to consumers in Europe. Brands within and outside of Europe are taking notice of D2C trends. Ecommerce News Europe (Germany Summary) Ecommerce Foundation 2019 Report for Germany; Summary of Report of Ecommerce Germany; eMarketer Global Report Germany; Learn About the Most Important Trends in 2020. Quelles tendances pour un site e-commerce performant et correctement référencé ? residents need to be compliant to avoid being levied heavy fines! Of the €534 billion in ecommerce turnover, ecommerce sales in Western Europe comprised (67%) or roughly €357 billion! Inscrivez-vous sans attendre pour découvrir les dernières tendances et conseils sur l'e-commerce. Si le marché européen offre un potentiel de plus de 500 millions de clients, l’enquête démontre une grande disparité de comportements et de réalité économique entre les différentes régions. Summary: Ecommerce Trends. Check key e-commerce statistics in 2020 here!. Un montant annuel moyen dépensé en ligne par acheteur en augmentation de près de 30% depuis 2015. doesn’t mean you’re exempt from being GDPR compliant. PrestaShop améliore la stabilité de la version 1.7. Pour les pays les plus en retard comme la Roumanie, la Serbie ou l’Italie, les freins résident essentiellement dans la sécurisation des transactions et les modalités de livraison. L’European Ecommerce Report 2019, publié fin août, affiche un bilan toujours très positif avec une croissance des achats en ligne de plus de 13% et un chiffre d’affaires estimé à 621 milliards d’euros. This report analyzes current and future forces shaping the European eCommerce landscape. Trouvez des ressources utiles pour gérer et faire évoluer votre entreprise, Développeurs Contactez-nous, Rencontrez et échangez avec notre communauté, Tenez-vous au courant de nos dernières actualités, Addons Europe’s fast-growing e-commerce market expanded by 18.4% in 2014 and this strong rate of growth is likely to continue into 2015 and beyond. The coronavirus pandemic has impacted the way we go about our daily lives. © Copyright 2007-2020 PrestaShop. Businesses must receive clear consent to process personal data. See how FastSpring works with the rest of your tech stack. Ecommerce Ecommerce trends in Western Europe. Les conditions et délais de livraison ou encore la gestion des retours en cas d’insatisfaction figurent également parmi les principales préoccupations des consommateurs européens. Chatbots. Unsure about which market to break into next? E-commerce Payments Trends Italy’s online sales growth is being driven by necessity in a testing global market. residences and give them more oversight over their personal data, GDPR establishes clear frameworks that businesses with access to personal data of E.U. Global ecommerce is a necessity, not a luxury. In 2016, we’ve some remarkable trends related to eCommerce web design such as motion animation, long scroll, the card like layouts, flat and material design and of course responsive design. Cette prévision provient du dernier rapport de l'Ecommerce Foundation sur le commerce électronique en Europe. PrestaShop : les fonctionnalités que vous attendiez sont disponibles ! Global Ecommerce Statistics and Trends to Launch Your Business Beyond Borders. Ecommerce continues to evolve rapidly in Western Europe, as shoppers and retailers become more sophisticated. You need to keep your focus ahead, analyze and adopt new trends in a timely manner to drive your brand forward and have a competitive edge. Un panier qui reste cependant très disparate en fonction des régions et qui peut varier du simple au double entre les pays du nord et du sud. By the end of 2021, 73% of ecommerce sales will take place … Des critères qui au sein d’une même région marquent une disparité significative. France has the world’s seventh-largest ecommerce market. Le marché du e-commerce B2C continue à croître en 2019. In fact, the top five fastest-growing online retailers in Europe are all Russian-based retailers. citizens are notified in the event that their data becomes compromised. The recently published 2019 eCommerce cosmetic trends: How European women purchase cosmetics online report from marketing and e-commerce specialist Photoslurp and market researcher Zinklar investigated shopping behaviour across the UK, Germany, Spain, France and Italy.Mobile surveys were conducted with 1,500 women aged 18+ – 300 in each country. France’s ecommerce market is typical of Europe. LONDON-- (BUSINESS WIRE)--Technavio has been monitoring the pharma e-commerce market in Europe and it is poised to grow by USD 10.69 bn during 2020-2024, progressing at a … Meanwhile, technological advancements and regulatory changes are driving innovation, escalating competition throughout the eCommerce landscape. You're in control of your online store with FastSpring as your Merchant of Record. While there are several reasons to support this, the growth in internet penetration rate in Europe is definitely an influential factor. According to Accenture and GEODIS study, nearly two-thirds (64%) state that reducing their dependence on marketplaces is their first or second priority for the next six months. Web-only Zalando SE grew 17.5% in 2019 to hit $6.47 billion in ecommerce sales. Après un léger ralentissement en 2018, la croissance du e-commerce européen est estimée cette année à 13,6% pour un chiffre d’affaires de 621 milliards d’euros. Why innovative trends for e-commerce? COVID-19 has massively accelerated the growth of e-commerce, according to an Adobe report released today. Download. With that being said other parts of Europe are slowly ramping up – Southern Europe and Northern Europe … Ecommerce Europe is the sole voice of the European Digital Commerce sector. Ecommerce Europe acts at European level to help legislators create a better framework for online merchants, so that their sales … There are a couple things you should probably know before you begin selling your software or digital product in Europe. choice for software providers around the world. WHAT’S IN THIS REPORT? Make sure your ecommerce store is prepared for the future. Browse real-world success stories featuring our happy customers. Use our plugin to sell digital products on your WordPress site. and you’ll have to deal with collecting value-added tax (VAT) too. S’il atteint 2 046 € en Europe du Nord, il n’est que de 276 € dans les pays de l’Est. Internet penetration is growing in each of these countries. Meet Bigblue, a French startup that just raised a $3.6 million seed round (€3 million) to build an end-to-end fulfillment solution in Europe. Digital … 39, grew 93.0% to $1.29 billion in 2019. Stay lean. E-Commerce trends in Europe: facts and figures. Pretty much every activity has been moved online. Both of these figures represent a huge spike in growth from 2013’s figure of €307 billion. Asia-Pacific will account for 42.3% of retail sales worldwide, North America will capture 22.9%, and Western Europe will make up 16.2%. citizens have the right to move their data from one service provider to another. 200 European and American companies that operate multiple channel logistics were interviewed about their ecommerce-related expectations for growing their brands’ sales. Le rapport sur le commerce électronique européen montre que l’e-commerce poursuit son essor dans l’ensemble des pays de l’Union européenne. Security and safety is one of the key emerging trends in Europe. Increase of 12.7 percent compared to the situation last year and localized checkout.. Wordpress site 9, 2020. by Biljana Denic ecommerce trends europe 9, 2020. by Biljana Denic December,. 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